
Cross-Driver jQuery-like Java interface for Selenium WebDriver

seleniumQuery is a Java library/framework that brings a cross-driver jQuery-like interface for Selenium WebDriver.

Example snippet:

// getting the value
String oldStreet = $("input.street").val();
// setting the value
$("input.street").val("4th St!");

No special configuration needed - use it in your project right now:

On a regular WebElement

// an existing WebElement...
WebElement existingWebElement = driver.findElement("myId"));
// call jQuery functions
String elementVal = $(existingWebElement).val();
boolean isButton = $(existingWebElement).is(":button"); // enhanced selector!
for (WebElement child: $(existingWebElement).children()) {
  System.out.println("That element's child: "+child);

Or an existing WebDriver

// an existing WebDriver...
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
// set it up
// and use all the goods
for (WebElement e: $(".myClass:contains('My Text!'):not(:button)")) {
  System.out.println("That element: " + e);

What can you do with it?

Allows querying elements by:

  • CSS3 Selectors - $(".myClass"), $("#table tr:nth-child(3n+1)");
  • jQuery/Sizzle enhancements - $(":text:eq(3)"), $(".myClass:contains('My Text!')");
  • XPath - $("//div/*/label/preceding::*");
  • and even some own seleniumQuery selectors: $("#myOldDiv").is(":not(:present)").

Built using Selenium WebDriver’s native capabilities only:

  • No jQuery.js is embedded at the page, no side-effects are generated;
    • Doesn’t matter if the page uses jQuery or not (or even if the JavaScript global variable $ is other library like Prototype.js).
  • Capable of handling/testing JavaScript-disabled pages
    • Test pages that use Unobtrusive JavaScript.
    • Most functions don’t even require the browser/driver to have JavaScript enabled!

Quickstart: A running example

Try it out now with the running example below:

Download and execute the seleniumQuery showcase project

…and see seleniumQuery in action right now.

To get the latest version, add to your pom.xml:

Maven Central


Find all about it on seleniumQuery’s github repository page.